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“You’re Gonna Get This, Girl”

I was born second of the second half of the second set of three sets of twins.


I found myself immersed in musical greatness here in the Twin Cities. My first backup vocal gig was for  my mother when she discovered her last two sets of twins, who were only 19 months apart, cried in harmony.


She later formed the group Thelma Buckner and the Minnesota Gospel Twins.


In 1989, I auditioned for the Grammy Award-winning Sounds of Blackness. I thought, ‘Here I go!’ We did a lot of wonderful things, including traveling around the world and being the opening act on the Power of Love Tour with the late, great Luther Vandross.


Fast forwarding a few years, I got a call from Mr. Vandross himself asking me to audition to be One has five back up vocals thanks mom for the early back up vocal lessons.


I am so grateful for all the experiences I’ve been given, but I was always reaching for my own star.

In August 2019, I finally released my solo project called “I’m Taking You to Church.”


I choose not to dwell on what COULD have been. Now, at 63, I believe in ME more than anything else. That age is just a number. I’m taking my dreams off the back burner, putting them to the front, and turning up the heat. It’s time to BURN, BABY, BURN!


So I say to those who still have the breath of life, you also have the opportunity to go get what you want regardless of your age. Whether it’s writing your book, singing your song, or dancing your dance—it’s out there waiting on you. Go get it!

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